Welcome Friends!
Emmett M.
South Carolina
Birth Date - July 18, 2008

Main Diagnosis - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

THEME: Space


My son, Emmett, was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
via ultrasound when I was 25 weeks pregnant with him. Hypoplastic Left Heart
Syndrome is a rare and severe Congenital Heart Defect in which the left side of
the heart is so underdeveloped it cannot function. Emmett was born at 36 weeks,
weighing 6lbs 9oz. Our delivery room was filled with numerous doctors and nurses
who whisked him away from us as soon as he came into this world. We got to hold
him for maybe 10 minutes after they decided he was stable enough, then he was
transferred to the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, where he awaited his
first open-heart surgery.
Emmett had his first OHS at 6 days old. "The Norwood" was the first surgery in
a series of 3 surgeries Emmett would need in order to have a chance at life.
HLHS is 100% fatal if not treated by the series of surgeries. Our only other
option was heart transplant. Emmett spent 9 hours on the table during his first
surgery. When we got to see him again, his chest was open due to all of the
swelling and we could see his heart beating through it. He had 16 IVS. After his
chest was closed up and he came off some of the IVS, we had to teach him how to
eat. He was 3 weeks old the first time he had a bottle. He didn't come home from
the hospital for the first time until he was 4 weeks old.
Emmett had his 2nd surgery at 3 months old. He was in surgery for 6 hours, and
in the hospital for 2 1/2 weeks. He had some complications along the way, but
recovered without a blemish and came home. He had his 3rd surgery this past
October. He was back in the operating room for 6 hours. When he came out, the
pressures in his lungs were high, his heart rate was 189 and he had a fever. He
got better literally overnight and was eating bacon and popsicles the next day!
Emmett has faced 3 OHS, numerous heart caths, doctors' visits, tests, a blood
clot in his heart, severe GERD, so many chest tubes, medicines, pokes, pricks,
speech, occupational, physical therapies. He smiles through it all. He's full of
so much joy, love, strength and kindness. He is our miracle baby superhero and
he makes us the proudest parents ever!
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