Welcome Friends!
Adell W.
South Carolina
Birth Date - December 23, 2009

Main Diagnosis - Chiari malformation and tethered cord

THEME: Princesses (crowns)

Adell was born on Dec.23, 2009. 7lbs 10 oz and 20 inches long. A perfect Christmas gift from God!! We did not see any idications at birth that she had any health issues. Her first health issued was noted when we took her in for her 3 month well check with her doctor. He noticed that the muscles in her neck wereextremely tight and rigid. He explained to us that this condition is called Torticollis or "wry neck". Adell started physical therapy. We didqeekly therapy sessions from 3 mo old until 2 yrs old. During the time that she was recieving weekly PT her PT noticed that her head was becoming very misshappen in the back and was not measuring the way it should for her age. This new condition is called Plagiocephaly. We were refered to Orthopedic Services dor a scan of Adells head. To correct this she was required to wear a helmet or a STAR Band for @ 6 months. During this time I blogged for a website called alexandrasphate.org there are alot of cute pics on there with Adell in her helmet!! My blog is titled "Adells Journey". After we completed helmet therapy, Adell started experiencing seizures for no apart reason. We rushed her to the hospital and she was admitted right away and under went a MRI, CT, and EEG. During the MRI was when her pediatric neurologist found she had a co.ditio with her brain called Arnold Chiari Malformation. If it hadnt been for the drs doing a MRI it could have been tragic!! After having the series of test dobe des could not find any growth, tumor, etc. to explain the seizures. Her neurologist is hoping this is a condition that she may outgrow. Our newest health battle is neurogenic bladder and tethered cord syndrome. Adell has had many mysterious hospital stays over the past year for extremely high fevwrs of 106 & higher and everytime the drs in the hospital would say its just a virus. Well after 6 of these "mysterious" viruses that no one else in the family got, well I was just not convinced. Ad
ells last hospital stay in August of this year showed more. We were admitted for high fever and extremely high WHite blood cell count. The doctor we saw in the hospital also found high amounts of red blood cells in her urine culture. We were then refered at the end of August to a pediatric Nephrologist (to check the function of her kidneys) & a peduatric urologist. The urologist did many test on her and found out that her bladder was n adell had a .completely emptying leading to cronic bladder infections. After further test her urologist found that Adells bladder was over stretched and was the size of an adults. She had a supra pubic catherter placed to keep her bladder drained. The diagnosis frim her urologist was neurogenic bladder. He said this is caused when the spinal cord is not recieving the signal for the bladder to empty. We then had another MRI and were refered to a pediatric neurosurgeon where it was confirmed that Adell had tethered cord which is a type of
spina bifida. Adell had surgery on her spinal cord on Nov 2, 2012at Greenville Memorial Childrens Hospital.
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